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Created page with "=Version 10.# testing= This document lists tests that we need to do to get version 10.# to a final release. It's an attempt to invite as many testers as possible and to coordi..."
=Version 10.# testing=
This document lists tests that we need to do to get version 10.# to a final release. It's an attempt to invite as many testers as possible and to coordinate our testing work.

The document should be used as Work In Progress so please feel free to add additional test scenarios and comments.

All tests here should be based on the latest available version ''''10.# Beta X''''. with updates including smeupdates-testing you have a preview of a work in progress

In general:
* check the related logfile(s) for each test
* don't hesitate to raise a bug if there is an issue or something suspicious but check the Bugtracker before whether this might already be reported
* A list of currently reported bugs for SME Server 10.# is here: []

==Test guidelines==
The purpose of the page is mostly to verify features are working, you can list a bug number if you like but we don't intend to duplicate the tracking provided by [[bugzilla:]]

==Executive Summary==
There has not been enough testing to indicate how well SME Server 10.# is working.

Create a test environment, either virtually or with spare hardware. Install the latest release, add some test users/ibays/domains/websites, send some internal e-mails, copy some files to/from ibays, perform a backup and restore. Perform as many functions that you can based on your knowledge and test environment abilities. Play and have fun :)

The scenario's should be as complex as needed, but also as simple as possible, testing one unique feature where possible.

For instance creating an ibay could mean something like this, perhaps even incomplete as I am doing this from the top of my head:

* log in in server-manager
* create ibay
* test for directory created (-f /home/e-smith/ibays/ibayname)
* check for account (ibayname) created
* check for group (ibayname) created
* analyze log for errors/exceptions

but also (and that is the most work mostly) test exceptions (names too long, starting with a number, containing a _, as well as all other exceptions):

* log in in server-manager
* create ibay with invalid name
* check the error in the server-manager screen
* check no account (ibayname) is created
* check no group (ibayname) is created
* check that the error is present in the log file

==Test Schedule and Header codes==
A sample test schedule is provided below. Check one feature at a time and add comments. We will use a shorthand in the header line so we can check progress quickly. The test list below starts with no headers since we start afresh. The intention is for testers to update this document to reflect their testing, thus avoiding duplication.
* header blank = no header - unchecked
* header ? - questions, or more to do [please provide your name for follow-up]
* header BUG - there is a bug - provide Bug reference number, i.e [Bug xxxx]
* header PASS - means the section has been tested and has passed [please provide your name for follow-up]

Some sample comments have been left from testing previous SME Server versions for information since they outline useful procedures, please add your own comments as applicable.


==Installation types==

{| style="color:red;background-color:#ffffcc;"
WARNING!!! There are no cmdline options that are supported yet (for SME 9), refer [[Bugzilla:7529#c6]].

Different installation scenarios re. software RAID, LVM and NOSPARE usage, etc. Note that you need to test each scenario separately, meaning reinstalling from scratch for each test - you cannot modify a Raid configuration after a system has been installed.

Check this for each configuration:
: /var/log/messages
: server-console, item 5
: cat /proc/mdstat (which is the same as server-console, item 5;)

*RAID1 nodmraid
*RAID1 raid=1
*RAID1 nolvm spares=2
*RAID1 nolvm
*RAID5 (with lvm) spares=0
*RAID5 nolvm spares=2
*RAID6 (with lvm) spare=1 multipart
*RAIDx "nolvm"

In-place upgrades are not supported from SME9.#. It is necessary to backup and then restore.
/boot partition is always RAID 1.

In-place upgrades to SME 10.1" *are* supported - from 10.0 only.

==Upgrade from older versions ==
In-place upgrades to SME 10.1" *are* supported - from 10.0 only.

=Console =

* ...

==Check Status==
* The server displays 'This server has been running for ...'

==Configure Server==

* Basic configuration works?, eg NIC's, password, host and domain names

===DHCP server===
*test IP allocation
: for predefined MAC addresses (= 'static' IP allocation)
: for dynamic IPs

*Check functionality

* Check functionality
:Private server & gateway

==Test internet==
* Prompt displays, then 'The test was successful...'

* Check each of the console options:
: reboot
: reconfigure
: shutdown

*Check each of the following:

: console, option 5, displays correctly for single disk

: console, option 5, displays correctly for various RAID scenarios, all those combinations which we tested under [[SME8.0_QA#Installation_types]]

: another disk added to a one disk system, open console, option 5, prompted to add drive, drive added, option 5 states all drives in clean state

==Access Server Manager==
* server-manager displays and navigation works

==View Support==

*The GPL text displays

==Backup to USB==
: Check each of the following:
* console restore
* console backup

=Server Manager =
* Accessing server-manager (local) -
* Accessing server-manager (from remote location) -
==Collaboration ==


*create new user account
*reset user password
*lock/unlock account
*add/remove user to different groups
*delete user account
*re create deleted user account
*reset user password user account

* Add, modify and remove groups
: Comments:

* Setting quota (soft:10MB / hard: 20MB) and going over hard limit works:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/user-a/user-a_21MB bs=22020096 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
dd: closing output file `/mnt/user-a/user-a_21MB': No space left on device

* Setting quota (soft:20MB / hard: 40MB) and going over soft limit works:
To: User B <user-b@testdomain.lan>
From: "Automated quota report" <do-not-reply@testdomain.lan>
Subject: You have exceeded your disk quota

Your current disk usage: 21.08 Mb
Your maximum usage: 40.00 Mb
Warnings start at: 20.00 Mb
Grace period ends: Fri Oct 2 09:06:22 2009
System name: sme8b4clean


* Test the following:

:created a pseudonym jane to sent to usera
:created a pseudonym to userb

: Comment: i.e. sent mail to both which was received as expected

===Information Bays===

====User access via file sharing ====

* basic smb file access working as expected
* Permissions checked (smb) with several groups, users and all permission-combinations

====Public access via web====

* Primary website access tested form public Internet. If not configured, the default (".. under construction ..") works
* Ibay accessible for http(s) from outside network without password
* Ibay accessible for http(s) from outside network with a password
* Ibay accessible for http(s) from local network without password and outside network with a password

====Local access via web====
* Primary website accessible for http(s) from the local network

* Ibay not accessible for http(s) from local network when set to 'No Access'
* Ibay accessible for http(s) from local network without password
* Ibay accessible for http(s) from local network with a password

''/var/log/httpd/error_log'' ([ Bug #5492]): (still existing?)
[Thu Sep 24 22:45:56 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
[Thu Sep 24 22:45:56 2009] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `sme8b4clean.testdomain.lan' does NOT match server name!?

====Public access via ftp====
* check functionality as applicable

====Local access via ftp====
* Primary & ibay not accessible when ftp set to 'No Access'
* Primary ibay accessible anonymous for download, not upload
* Ibay (no password required) accessible anonymous without password for download, not upload
* Ibay (password required) accessible anonymous only with password for download, not upload

* User homedir accessible with username+pass for download and upload
* Ibay accessible with username+pass for download and upload (with ibay permissions correctly set)
* Ibay accessible with username+pass for download and not upload (with ibay permissions correctly set)
* Ibay not accessible with username+pass (with ibay permissions correctly set)

====Dynamic content====
* PHP scripts in Primary ibay are interpreted and displayed
* PHP scripts in ibay are/not interpreted and displayed when dynamic content is enabled/disabled

* CGI scripts (cgi-bin)


===Backup and restore ===

====Backup ====

=====to desktop=====

=====to tape=====

=====to workstation=====

=====to usb disk =====

====Restore ====

=====from desktop=====

=====from tape=====

=====from workstation=====

=====from usb disk =====

===View log files===

* view log files works, including filtering and highlighting

* download logfile works

===Mail log files===

* local mail delivery

* external mail delivery

===Reboot and shutdown===
* Test from server-manager for each of:


===Remote access===

====VPN / PPTP ====
* Check functionality

====Remote management====

Check the following:
*remote access from local network on port other than 22
*External user/password access denied (port 22 and other) when set to 'No access' or 'Local network'
*External user/password access allowed (port 22 and other) when set to 'Entire internet'
*External user/password access denied (port 22 and other) for root when 'allow administrative commandline' to 'No'
*External user/password access allowed (port 22 and other) for user (if configured) when 'administrative commandline' to 'No'
*External user/password access denied (port 22 and other) when 'allow standard password' set to 'No'
*External certificate access denied (port 22 and other) for root when 'administrative commandline' to 'No' and 'allow standard password' set to 'No'
*External certificate access allowed (port 22 and other) for root when 'administrative commandline' to 'Yes' and 'allow standard password' set to 'No'
*External certificate access allowed (port 22 and other) for user (if configured) when 'administrative commandline' to 'No' and 'allow standard password' set to 'No'
*External certificate access allowed (port 22 and other) for user (if configured) when 'administrative commandline' to 'Yes' and 'allow standard password' set to 'No'

* Ftp access allowed for Primary, ibays and users when access set to 'Allow access ...'
* Ftp access refused for Primary, ibays and users when access set to 'No Access'

===Local Networks===

===Port forwarding===
Check the following scenarios:

* server gateway

* server only

===Proxy settings===


*Smtp proxy enabled

*Smtp proxy disabled

*Smtp proxy blocked (recently implemented)

Check the following:
* net access via the squid proxy works

* net access is disabled via squid proxy if disabled

==Configuration ==

===Software Installer===


* updates via the panel work [PASS] (David Beveridge)

* the updates available warning displays on this page [PASS] (David Beveridge)


* Settings can be changed

* Installing additional software works
: Examples:

wvdial i386 1.54.0- base 131 k
Installing for dependencies:
libwvstreams i386 4.2.2-2.1 base 657 k

and Removing

wvdial i386 1.54.0- installed 264 k

===Date and time===

'Set Date and Time' manually works

'Configure Network Time Server' works if you enter a valid time server

===Workgroup ===

====Domain controller====
Now also working for windows 7 PC's

*PDC - setup Primary Domain Controller
Suggested steps:
* join PC to domain (as user 'admin') and test domain user logon on that PC
* join (another) PC to domain (as a different user from group 'Domain Admins', NOT user admin)
Comments: The user 'michael' is part of that group:
db accounts show domain-admin-group
Description=Domain Admins

Comments: i.e. log extract from /var/log/messages for the latest join:
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv esmith::event[20711]: Running event handler: /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/S10create-machine-account
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/S10create-machine-account[20712]: /home/e-smith/db/accounts: OLD twt042lt$ (undefined)
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/S10create-machine-account[20712]: /home/e-smith/db/accounts: NEW twt042lt$=machine
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv esmith::event[20711]: create-machine-account twt042lt$: Creating Unix user and group
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv esmith::event[20711]: create-machine-account twt042lt$: Locking account
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv esmith::event[20711]: Locking password for user twt042lt$.
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv esmith::event[20711]: passwd: Success
Aug 30 07:04:52 mdo002sv esmith::event[20711]: S10create-machine-account=action|Event|machine-account-create|Action|S10create-machine-account|Start|1251572692 236608|End|1251572692 708624|Elapsed|0.472016

* domain user password change via Ctrl-Alt-Del
Comments: i.e. several combinations tested, incl. invalid combinations (e.g. password too short); successfully changed; case sensitivity tested; testing was done with the following setting in place:
db configuration show passwordstrength

Might need more testing with better password strength.

====Workgroup server ====
* Connect to samba share

net use x: \\sme10a1\Primary /user:admin<br>

====Roaming profiles====

* Test with WinXP Pro clients
* Test with WinVista Pro clients
* Test with Win7 Pro clients
* Test with Win8 Pro clients
* Test with Win10 Pro clients

Check the following:
* Directory (LDAP) access

*Test access from various email clients, list client, platform, Operating system, local and or external:

In example:
: Webmail (list address book contents via string like "mich" shows all Michael(s))
: Thunderbird LDAP test on local network

===Printers ===
Attached/created LTP,USB and network printer; Printing test page:
* USB printer
* LTP printer
* Network printer


set a hostname to a remote server works

set a hostname to self works

set hostname for other host on the local network


* 2nd domain added, web and email works

* Test all DNS options


Test functionality for the following:



* check: /var/log/pop3(s)/current
* check: /var/log/imap(s)/current




===Antivirus ===
Clam/email integration

* Check: /var/log/qmail/current
* Check: /var/log/spamd/current
* Check: /var/log/qpsmtpd/current
* Check: /var/log/clamd/current
* Check: /var/log/clamd/smeserver-clamscan.log
* Check: email headers


* Check regular Clam scans
* Enable regular scanning in server-manager and check results (email to admin)



Basic server information is displayed



The GPL text is displayed

===Starter Website===


[[Category:SME Server Development Framework]]
Super Admin, Wiki & Docs Team, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators


Navigation menu