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Revision as of 11:38, 9 December 2014

This is an overview of confirmed, recently fixed and closed issues on core SME Server. Please see the most recent activities on on all SME Server related components, including contribs and feature requests.

Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues confirmed

IDProductVersionPackageStatusSummary (106 tasks)
12709SME Server 10.X10.1---CONFIRMEDyum update fails with repo error for centos sclo after update to vault url
12694SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDshould not allow non ascii characters in ldap
12693SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-ldapCONFIRMEDprestart script logs to messages
12691SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-radiusdCONFIRMEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-radiusd
12690SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-opensshCONFIRMEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-openssh
12689SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-spamassassinCONFIRMEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-spamassassin
12688SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-base
12687SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-sambaCONFIRMEDconvert CPU usage to Net::LDAP [smeserver-samba]
12678SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDrework pppoe for kernel space rather than use rspace
12677SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDadd support for external VLAN
12673SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-ldapCONFIRMEDnew log does not fill after log rotate semserver-ldap
12670SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-opensshCONFIRMEDremovre references to rssh
12665SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-phpCONFIRMEDerror: stat of /var/log/php/php/error.log failed: Permission denied
12663SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDconvert CPU usage to Net::LDAP [smeserver-base]
12662SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-updateCONFIRMEDyum plugin fails to restart servioces correctly after update
12661SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-yumCONFIRMEDyum plugin fails to restart servioces correctly after update
12660SME Server 10.X10.1e-smith-nutUPSCONFIRMEDSME10 nut-2.8 breaking upgrade
12659SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-yumCONFIRMEDneeds to review service to restart on nut* update
12657SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-nutUPSCONFIRMEDnut configuration
12654SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDfix 3 regressions
12651SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-phpCONFIRMEDsession.use_trans_sid enabled
12639SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDupdating /var/run/portreserve → /run/portreserve; please update the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file accordingly
12638SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDqpsmtpd requires more than 50M memory limit
12636SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-proxyCONFIRMEDnon-functional IPv6 loopback.
12634SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDFailed to add route ... dev ..., using ip route replace instead.
12629SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDmissing auhtconfig ; available authselect-compa
12619SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDupdating /var/run/openldap → /run/openldap
12618SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-updateCONFIRMEDset modules for installer and force them after
12617SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-hordeCONFIRMEDdrop horde
12592SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDsanitize mysql.dump
12585SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-managerCONFIRMEDmultiple owner
12580SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDUpdate any other reference to e-smith-.*-update to smeserver
12575SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDActivate the web console cockpit.socket
12573SME Server 11.XunspecifiedspamassassinCONFIRMEDUpgrade spamasassin to 4.0.1
12568SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDuser@0.service failed to start
12567SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-radiusdCONFIRMEDradiusd using deprecated ciphers
12565SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDconsole fails to enter configuration setup
12552SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDCan't opendir(./** ): No such file or directory
12540SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smithCONFIRMEDuseradd: user 'apache' already exists
12513SME Server 11.XunspecifiedipsvdCONFIRMEDevaluate to retire ipsvd (required by smesevrer-qpsmtpd and smeserver-tftp-server)
12507SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedmultiple-packagesCONFIRMEDdrop rssh support
12499SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-phpCONFIRMEDNew PHP Options - max_input_vars/short_open_tag/session.gc_probability
12454SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-proftpdCONFIRMEDMissing PassivePorts fragment
12451SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDseparate qpsmtpd sqpsmtpd and uqpsmtpd configurations
12433SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-backupCONFIRMEDupon restore keep user id entry from supported services
12430SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-phpCONFIRMEDdefault setting for serialize_precision in PHP 7.1 and higher is incorrect
12400SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-managerCONFIRMEDadapt last update for yum panel to smanager
12396SME Server 11.XunspecifiedcvmCONFIRMEDobsolete cvm-unix
12384SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-libCONFIRMEDallow more granularity in the content of password
12383SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-libCONFIRMEDincrease password size requirement from 6 to 12-14 and make it configurable
12382SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-formmagickCONFIRMEDpassword requirement is different in panel and from samba
12377SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-mockCONFIRMEDBogusDateBot.sh not handling multiple spaces within data
12370SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDnew smeserver package to trigger install of smeserver packages on rocky 8
12360SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-apacheCONFIRMEDChange all references to httpd-e-smith to httpd-smeserver
12320SME Server 10.X10.1e-smith-ibaysCONFIRMEDAdd functions to e-smith-ibays for webapps
12312SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-clamavCONFIRMEDExtraneous database update values in clamav and freshclam
12302SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-phpCONFIRMEDNFR allow admin customization of ibays php fpm pool
12280SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDno matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss,ssh-rsa
12218SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDself-signed certificate renews every 24hrs with ' (apostrophe) in ldap field
12156SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-backupCONFIRMEDlog user to remove as they have no more use and missing their home
12145SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDbackup restore user privileges
12141SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-supportCONFIRMEDlist contribs
12110SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-managerCONFIRMEDuntainting printers server-manager2
12099SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-opensshCONFIRMEDIncrease MaxAuthTries for sshd
11935SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDoauth soon mandatory to fetch from gmail accounts
11900SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDcheck use of /sbin/e-smith/mysql-preload
11884SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-backupCONFIRMEDdesync of /etc/shadow - /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/gshadow
11772SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-baseCONFIRMEDssl.pm does not handle elliptic curve certificates
11671SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDFiles and folders in /var/spool/qpsmtpd are not being cleaned up
11560SME Server 10.X10.0rc1e-smith-grubCONFIRMEDupdate-grub action runt by local on every reboot
11540SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedmod_auth_tktCONFIRMEDcookie without SameSite property
11427SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-phpCONFIRMEDallow set timeout
11400SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-phpCONFIRMEDease php change for contribs
11271SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDChanging host.domain does not update Host in mysql database
11235SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDconfig memory / number convert sanitizer
11085SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDimprove integration of certificate with dehydrated using a dedicated domain
10977SME Server 10.X10.0a4e-smith-baseCONFIRMEDMake remoteaccess.pm also validate the subnet octets - make change for Server-Manager2
10778SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMED554 Message not allowed - [299] on yahoo server after enabling disclaimer
10725SME Server 10.X10.0a4e-smith-managerCONFIRMEDerror logged on backup panel
10598SME Server 11.XunspecifiedspamassassinCONFIRMEDspamassassin needs updating to GeoIP2
10590SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-ldapCONFIRMEDNFR: limit access to some groups
10550SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-libCONFIRMEDNFR password generator
10440SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-qmailCONFIRMEDemail to pseudonyms pointing to another pseudonym fails when they are another full email
10336SME Server 11.Xunspecified---CONFIRMEDplymouth screen on first boot display linux centos 7
10233SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-backupCONFIRMEDrestore from console will not restore mysql db
10103SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedperl-Mail-DMARCCONFIRMEDDMARC sql error in qpsmtpd log
10090SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-emailCONFIRMEDmodify SM email panel wording to make spamassassin setting clearer
9906SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDRejected DMARC emails are tried every night, and never deleted?
9805SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDFailure in DMARC report sending overnight
9656SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDReturn 4XX in case of DNS timeout while fetching dkim policies
9492SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDRemove unused config for qmail-smtpd
9431SME Server 10.X10.0a1e-smith-baseCONFIRMEDerror running bootstrap-console
9426SME Server 10.X10.0a1e-smith-baseCONFIRMEDwarning in messages logs and on screen when running ippp
9273SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-spamassassinCONFIRMEDTextCat spamassassin plugin not loaded in the correct file
9058SME Server 10.X10.0rc1e-smith-sambaCONFIRMEDOplock break failed for file USER.V5/NTUSER.DAT
8309SME Server 10.X10.0a4e-smith-baseCONFIRMEDAdd ipt_recent sshd autoblocking to e-smith-openssh - additional note in server-manager
8207SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-qmailCONFIRMEDError 454+451 in qmail log while trying to send mail trough ISP server
8074SME Server 11.Xunspecifiede-smith-emailCONFIRMEDSMTP to ISP Authentication timeout problem
7891SME Server 11.Xunspecifiedsmeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDEmail - Block Executable Content false positives when signature found in the middle of a file
7805SME Server 10.X10.0a4e-smith-baseCONFIRMEDAdditional old name cannot be removed in DNS panel after updating e-smith-base to version 5.2.0-79.el5.sme
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100

Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues RESOLVED awaiting Verification

No core issues currently in progress.
No core issues currently in progress.

"Well done guys, no more open bugs!"

Issues resolved by the release of updated RPM's since latest ISO:

"No updates found."

Important.png Note:
The above fixed core packages will automatically be made available as regular updates through the updates repository. Before they become available as a regular update, the packages will be in the smetest repository for testing purposes. Entries marked in red are critical updates, and should be installed immediately.