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(Removed unneccesarry html code and added Dungog template)
(Added Repository template)
Line 27: Line 27:
2. If you already enabled Dungog repo, skip down to 6, if your'e unsure, go to 5.
2. If you already enabled Dungog repo, skip down to 6, if your'e unsure, go to 5.
3. {{:Dungog}}
3. {{Repository|Dungog}}
4. Check correct input with
4. Check correct input with

Revision as of 19:24, 12 April 2007

Scuttle for SME Server


Dungog (Software)


Scuttle is a web-based social bookmarks manager that enables you to:

  • Store all your favourite links in one place, accessible from anywhere.
  • Share your bookmarks with everyone, with friends or just keep them private.
  • Tag your bookmarks with as many labels, instead of wrestling with folders.

Step-by-step silly HowTo for installation of Scuttle on a fresh SMEserver 7.1.3.

Orginates from Dungog HowTo and some input from the forums.

It reflects the experiences I've had during install and are probably not always applicable.

It's intended for Linux-newbies like myself, experienced users are probably better off using the original.

Check latest releases at Dungog SME software


This contrib can be found in the Dungog repository.

1. Log in (with username root) to the SMEserver console.

2. If you already enabled Dungog repo, skip down to 6, if your'e unsure, go to 5.

3. The following command will configure the Dungog repository on SME Server. The dungog repository will no longer be updated. All the contribs from this repository have been moved to the smecontribs repository.

DungogMember contribs are still at http://www.dungog.net After adding it to the database we have to update the changes to the configuration file:

signal-event yum-modify

4. Check correct input with

db yum_repositories show dungog

It should contain the lines in step 3. If you get nothing in return, go back to 3.

5. Download and install scuttle and smeserver-scuttle

yum install --enablerepo=dungog smeserver-scuttle

I don't install this from smedev because it may contain an older version. You will get a y/n-question, answer y if it looks fine.

Step 7 are not necessary

; 7. WARNING..........:
signal-event post-upgrade
; And:
signal-event reboot

8. Create database structure

/usr/bin/mysql scuttle < /opt/scuttle/tables.sql

9. Copy and rename the config file

cp /opt/scuttle/config.inc.php.example /opt/scuttle/config.inc.php

10. Find scuttle mysql password (DbPassword=) with

config show scuttle

Copy the string, it should be similar to this: 2zvEiYibIewQOsQ07KAtObnh5FcOhUhaq+dtSAdXBjuOBsbSoPt5Bty8PEPfjhfHmL0wejMAmUMO

11. Open config file with text editor Pico (^-sign means ctrl-button)

pico -w /opt/scuttle/config.inc.php

Edit the following lines with these values (special for dbpass):

$dbtype = 'mysql';
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbport = '3306';
$dbuser = 'scuttle';
$dbpass = 'paste copied password here';
$dbname = 'scuttle';

Exit Pico, save to file, choose config.inc.php

12. Open http://yourserver/scuttle/ and register a user.

Step 13-14 are optional, not necessary for Scuttle to function.

13. Firefox plugin

14. Restrict usage with PublicAccess db, (global-pw are default):

config setprop scuttle PublicAccess global-pw

Fore more options: Dungog HowTo Scroll to: "to limit access to the web app."

Additional information

; If you connect to the SMEserver console by Putty ssh-client (or similar) you can copy and paste the commands (very convenient).
; Please note that this was written in april 2007, if the software change then this howto may be outdated.

Please do edit if you find errors or have improvements, but make sure that it works!

Good luck /Per