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Revision as of 07:04, 24 October 2012




For questions or comments regarding this HOWTO, contact Shiena Tadeo of Computing SOS.

Install Jbig-Kit

  1. Download Jbig-Kit.
  2. cd /tmp/
    wget http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/download/jbigkit-2.0.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf jbigkit-2.0.tar.gz
  3. Before compiling jbig-kit, make sure gcc is installed to avoid this error make[1]: gcc: Command not found.
  4. rpm –qa | grep gcc

    You will have similar output below if it is installed:

  5. If you only have the libgcc, you still need to install the gcc, here’s how:
  6. yum install gcc

    If you will get an error "No package gcc available. Nothing to do" then do this:

    wget ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/sourceware.org/pub/gcc/releases/gcc-4.7.1/gcc-4.7.1.tar.gz
  7. Change directory to your uncompressed jbigkit folder:
  8. cd jbigkit
    make test
    make clean

Install SpliX

  1. Download SpliX 2.0.0 (latest version at the time of writing)
  2. cd ../
    wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/splix/splix-2.0.0.tar.bz2
    tar –jxvf splix-2.0.0.tar.bz2
    cd splix-2.0.0

    If you will receive this error, /bin/sh: g++: command not found, then issue this command:

    yum install gcc-c++

    Then you might receive an error, /bin/sh: cups-config: command not found, then issue this command:

    yum install cups-devel
  3. Copy libjbig.a to /usr/lib/folder.
  4. cp include/libjbig.a /usr/lib/.
  5. We can now build the binaries and executable program from the source code.
  6. make
    make install

Install GhostScript

  1. Download and install GhostScript
  2. cd /tmp/
    wget http://mirror.contribs.org/contribs/rvandenaker/testing/smeserver-cups/repositories/7.0/RPMS/i386/ghostscript-8.15.2-0.rvda.1.i386.rpm
    yum localinstall ghostscript-8.15.2-0.rvda.1.i386.rpm

Install CUPS

  1. Install cups from sme-contribs
  2. yum install --enablerepo=smecontribs cups
  3. Update SME
  4. signal-event post-upgrade

Access CUPS Administration Page

  1. On your console, issue this command:
  2. elinks http://localhost:631
  3. Go to Administration tab, enable Allow remote administration. Don't forget to click Change Settings.
  4. Now you can login to server's CUPS thru a web browser using your server's IP address or hostname ( or https://servername:631/admin)

Add a Printer

As an example, we will be adding Samsung SCX-4216f (USB connected to D-Link DP-300u printer server) to CUPS, accessible for Windows 7 64-bit client.

  1. Go to Administration tab
  2. Tick the following and make sure to click Change Settings:
    • Share published printers connected to this system
    • Allow printing from the internet
  3. Click Add Printer
  4. Use the following:
    Name: SamsungSCX4216f
    Location: Office
    Description: Samsung SCX-4216f Device: LPD/LPR Host or Printer Device URI: lpd://ps1/usb1 (assuming your D-Link DP-300u hostname is ps1 and the queue name is usb1) Make: Samsung Model: Samsung SCX-4200, SpliX V.2.0.0 (pt_Br)
  5. Now on your Windows 7 computer, go to:
  6. CUPS-Win7-shared-printer-by-name.jpg

    Note: You can see the exact URL of your printer by clicking the printer name while in CUPS administration page as per image below.
    • Select Generic from the left side menu, then select MS Publisher Imagesetter
    • Now do a test print.