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Revision as of 09:24, 13 March 2010

SOGo - Scaleable OpenGroupware.org


SOGo is a groupware server built around OpenGroupware.org (OGo) and the SOPE application server. It focuses on scalability.

SOGo provides a rich AJAX-based Web interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV.

Once configured, SOGo offers multiple ways to access the calendaring and messaging data. Your users can either use a web browser, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple iCal, or a mobile device to access the same information.


SOGo requires SME 8 (bets 5)


Adding the repository to your SME Server 8:

# db yum_repositories set sogo repository \
     BaseURL http://inverse.ca/downloads/SOGo/RHEL5/i386 \
     EnableGroups yes \
     GPGCheck no \
     Name "Inverse SOGo Repository" \
     Visible yes \
     status disabled

# db yum_repositories set nethsme repository \
     BaseURL http://smeserver.nethesis.it/releases/8/i386 \
     EnableGroups yes \
     GPGCheck yes \
     Name "Nethesis SME Repository" \
     Visible yes \
     status disabled

# signal-event yum-modify

Installing the GPG key to verify the packages:

# wget http://smeserver.nethesis.it/releases/RPM-GPG-KEY-nethesis
# rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-nethesis
Then you can install smeserver-sogo package
# yum install smeserver-sogo --enablerepo=nethsme --enablerepo=sogo


To access webmail and calenders, open the url http://yourdomain.net/SOGo

To configure Thunderbird or other devices refer to website


