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You can access the [http://phpldapadmin.sourceforge.net/ phpldapadmin] interface by opening your web browser at the address:
You can access the [http://phpldapadmin.sourceforge.net/ phpldapadmin] interface by opening your web browser at the address:
<nowiki>https://[IP or NAME]/phpldapadmin<\nowiki>
https://<nowiki>[IP or NAME]</nowiki>/phpldapadmin
To login use the system admin login and password.
To login use the system admin login and password.

Revision as of 12:32, 20 January 2010

phpLDAPadmin for SME 7.x

PythonIcon.png Skill level: medium
The instructions on this page require a basic knowledge of linux.


Michel Van hees


Automatic installation of phpldapadmin on SmeServer.

phpldapadmin is a ldap client. Its powerfull multilangage administration interface allows you to edit the ldap server that comes with SME Server.

The installed version is, newer versions exist but they require php5.


wget "http://www.vanhees.cc/index.php?name=CmodsDownload&file=index&req=getit&lid=323"
yum localinstall smeserver-phpldapadmin-


yum remove smeserver-phpldapadmin


You can access the phpldapadmin interface by opening your web browser at the address: https://[IP or NAME]/phpldapadmin

To login use the system admin login and password.


By default, the installation process limits the access to phpldapadmin to the local network.

To enable access to phpldapadmin from the internet and your local network :

db configuration setprop phpldapadmin access public
signal-event console-save

To limit access to local network :

db configuration setprop phpldapadmin access private
signal-event console-save

Additional information

Michel Van hees (MasterSleepy)