* Contact Greg Swallow and seek transfer of "smeserver.org" to new
* Contact Greg Swallow and seek transfer of "smeserver.org" to new entity [Michael Doerner]
entity [Michael Doerner]
* Attempt to register and park "Domain of interest" currently owned by [xxx] - expires 02-oct-2009 [chris burnat]
* Attempt to register and park "smeserver.com" currently owned by [xxx] [chris burnat]. Completed, Domain has been renewed by [xxx] on 17th Sept. and is not available to the project.
* Contact JM Consulting Group of Michigan and seek transfer of domain
* Contact JM Consulting Group of Michigan and seek transfer of domain "smeserver.net" [Peter Walter]
"smeserver.net" [Michael Doerner]
* Setting up an Oregon non-profit corporation called SME Server Foundation, Inc. [Greg J. Zartman, P.E.]
* Setting up an Oregon non-profit corporation called SME Server Foundation, Inc. [Greg J. Zartman, P.E.]