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=== Features ===
=== Features ===
A lot of options are available in the panel. When you create a new shared fodler, or modify an existing one, the page is divided in 4 parts:
* The first part let you enter a name and a comment for this shared folder. This part works exactly the same way than ibay. An initial limit of 12 characters exist for the name. You can raise this value with
db configuration set maxShareNameLength 16
* The second part is to define permission access. For each group of users, you can grant read only or read/write access. If none is checked, the shared folder won't be accessible (unless for the admin user which has always access to every shared folders)
* The third part let you configure access to this shared folder using the SMB/CIFS protocol. There's two drop down menu
**'''SMB Access''' lets you configure the type of access: '''none''' (no access), '''enabled and browsable''' (enabled, and visible if you browse available shares of the server) or '''enabled, hidden''' (enabled, but you need to know the exact name to access it)
**'''Recycle bin''' lets you configure a network recycle bin option available in samba. Available options are '''none''' (recycle bin is disabled), '''enabled, keep only the latest version''' (enable the recylce bin, but only keep the latest version if two file with the same name are deleted), or '''enabled, keep a copy of all versions''' (enable the recycle bin and keep a copy of every file deleted). When the recycle bin is enabled, if a user delete a file, instead of removing it from the server, samba will move it the the '''Recycle Bin''' directory at the top of the shared folder (the directory is created if it doesn't exist)
* The fourth part let you configure access to this shared folder using the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. There're also several options:
**'''Web Access''': works like ibays. The only difference is that when a password is required, users can use their own login/password instead of a global one. Users need at least read access to this share or they won't be allowed.
**'''Force secure connections''': if enabled, all the requests will be redirected to use the HTTPS protocol. The redirection is transparent.
**'''Indexes''': Let you control if the server should generate an index of all the file if no index.html file is found. You can disable it if you don't want everyone to have access to the list of files.
**'''Dynamic content execution (PHP, SSI)''': this enable the execution of PHP script. If disabled files with a php extension won't be allowed.
=== Additionnal options ===
=== Additionnal options ===

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