Difference between revisions of "User talk:Snoble"

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===Set up===
We now use cvs without needing mezzanine, check you have it installed
yum install cvs
====Local developer environment====
# Developer environment
# This gets symlinked into /etc/profile.d
export CVS_RSH=ssh # tell CVS to use ssh
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i --preserve=timestamps'
alias mv='mv -i'
====Access to build system====
Ask admin@contribs.org for certificates, give the email address to use for notifications
yum install --enablerepo=smedev plague-client
Copy certificates and config file to ~/
chmod 600 .username.pem
Check it's working
plague-client list_builders
  build64-1.contribs.org      x86_64 amd64 ia32e noarch i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon available
  build32-1.contribs.org      i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon noarch  available
====Sourceforge access====
* SME Server code is stored in the CVS on  SourceForge. To be able to work on your code in the SME Server CVS repository you need an account on SourceForge. With this account the development team can give you access to the CVS repository. More information can be found here:
[http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=11123&group_id=1 B04: Registering a User Account]
[http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=29894&group_id=1 E04: CVS (Version Control for Source Code)]
[http://sourceforge.net/docs/F02/en/#top F02: SSH Key Generation and Usage]
* After you have created your SourceForge account you can ask the development team to give you developer access to smecontribs. Create a bug in the Bug Tracker as usual.
* Copy your local SSH key to SourceForge https://sourceforge.net/account/editsshkeys.php 
* If local username is different to sf.net username
Host  smeserver.cvs.sourceforge.net
User  sfusername
Host  smecontribs.cvs.sourceforge.net
User  sfusername
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
====Import cvs====
This is just cvs information, not source code.
You can use ~/home/smeserver or whatever suits.
mkdir ~/smeserver
cd ~/smeserver
cvs -z3 -d:ext:smeserver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/smeserver co -P rpms
cd rpms
cvs -z3 -d:ext:smeserver.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/smeserver co -P common
mkdir ~/smecontribs
cd ~/smecontribs
cvs -z3 -d:ext:smecontribs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/smecontribs co -P rpms
cd rpms
cvs -z3 -d:ext:smecontribs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/smecontribs co -P common
====Modify a package====
Builders have rights to patch packages, tag, and build. 
If you need to upload new source tarballs or versions shad has to do that for now.
Binary files are stored in a look-aside cache on shads box. CVS isn't great on binary files.
Mezzanine, (mzsfget, mzclean, mzprep, mzpatch, mzbuild, mzput) have all be replaced with a new method.
These are the most common commands.
make sources
make local
make prep
make srpm
make tag
make build
make clean
make patch SUFFIX=<stuff>
change to work directory
cd smecontribs/rpms/smeserver-foo/contribs7
For more information
make help
To prepare a tree
cvs update -dPA
make clean
make prep
You can switch to the tree and make modification.
In the prepared dir copy a file you want to modify like so:
cp 28UserManagerProxyPass 28UserManagerProxyPass.{patchname}
Then modify the original file 28UserManagerProxyPass
To add new files touch the file.{patchname} so it is empty. [Check]
Once you have all the files you want patched copied and changed then you can build the patch (from the contribs7 dir) with:
make patch SUFFIX={patchname}
It will build and add the patch for you.  It should be named "name-version-{patchname}.patch"
Read up on gendiff.  That is what the makefile uses to generate the diff file.
Once you are satisfied and want to submit the package to the build server you can do the following.
This tags all files as belonging to a particular build version
make tag
This will submit the request to the build server which will checkout the recently tagged version and build it in a chroot (mock) env.
make build
Once the commit is done you can test a build locally [check, can we make local before a commit]
make local
Key things are to always do "make tag" before "make build"
Always ensure you are working with the latest version (cvs update -dPA).
Issue from rpms directory, or a directory below, anywhere with a CVS directory
You and updatesteam will get an email on successfull build. 
Only you will get an email on failed build.
Once the server successfully builds it will automatically be pulled on the next repo update run
(40 past the even hours MDT). The package will either be put into the smedev (new package) or smetest (exist in higher repo)  After verification the package is manually moved from smedev/smetest to smecontribs/smeupdates-testing
Check updates/status on the build server:  http://buildsys.contribs.org

Latest revision as of 00:06, 9 March 2009