Check4update for SME Server
Stephane de Labrusse aka stephdl
Check4updates is a contrib which regularly checks the determined repositories and send email to the admin, for informing of all new rpms which need an update.
You need to enable stephdl repository.
Install in the usual way:
yum install smeserver-check4updates --enablerepo=smecontribs
This contrib is currently held in an external non default repository. You must first configure the stephdl repository on your SME server by following the steps here stephdl (if not already configured).
You can check the repo status as follows
db yum_repositories show stephdl
If you receive no output then the repo is not configured on your SME server.
Then run the following commands to install the Check4updates contrib on your SME Server.
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-check4updates
You have to set the repositories you want to check, you must enabled them before as it is asked on this page
Repositories have to be separated by a coma ','
for example
config setprop check4updates repositories fws,stephdl
Then activate the database changes as follows:
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
or if you do not want to restart the server, simply do
signal-event console-save
This contrib is currently held in an external non default repository. You must first configure the stephdl repository on your SME server by following the steps here stephdl (if not already configured).
You can check the repo status as follows
db yum_repositories show stephdl
If you receive no output then the repo is not configured on your SME server.
Then run the following commands to install the Check4updates contrib on your SME Server.
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-check4updates
You have to set the repositories you want to check, you must enabled them before as it is asked on this page
Repositories have to be separated by a coma ','
for example
config setprop check4updates repositories fws,stephdl
Then activate the database changes as follows:
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
or if you do not want to restart the server, simply do
signal-event console-save yum --enablerepo=stephdl install smeserver-check4updates
# config show check4updates check4updates=configuration emailaddress=admin-yum excludes= frequence=daily repositories=
for example, this is mine configuration (some rpm must be excluded from epel)
check4updates=configuration emailaddress=admin-yum excludes=GeoIP,dar,libdar,oidentd,perl-Net-Server,perl-Razor-Agent,php-pear-Auth-SASL,pkcs11-helper,pptpd,rssh,php-horde-horde,proftpd,php-pear-Net-LDAP2 frequence=daily repositories=fws,epel,stephdl,sogo,remi-roundcube,remi
- repositories
config setprop check4updates repositories repo1,repo2,repo3
- email recipients
The recipient is admin but you can change this by a db command
config setprop check4updates emailaddress "admin-yum"
or if you need several recipients
config setprop check4updates emailaddress "admin-yum"
- frequence
config setprop check4updates frequence daily signal-event console-save
daily is the default value but you can set also
weekly monthly
- excludes
you can exclude rpms if you don't want they are checked by the contrib
config setprop check4updates excludes rpm1,rpm2,rpm3,rpm4
Launch Manually
in a terminal root
if you want to drop an email
/sbin/e-smith/check4repositoriesupdates -m
yum remove smeserver-check4updates
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-check4updates component or use this link .