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This Howto will get PMWiki running in an IBay with no shell access required

The MediaWiki is cool, but it's for bigger sites than what I need, this is a lightweight file based Wiki, that doesn't require shell access to setup, doesn't need MySQL and is easily customized if you understand the key Web technologies, namely PHP, CSS and HTML.

It will be backed up by any method you use to backup your ibays - e.g. affa

and of course it is open-source (GPL), it runs on virtually any webserver featuring PHP.


1. Create an Ibay

Information bay name                         : Wiki
Description                                  : Wiki
Group                                        : Everyone
User access via file sharing or user ftp     : Write Group, Read Group
Public access via web or anonymous ftp       : Local Network (No password required)
Execution of dynamic content (CGI, PHP, SSI) : Enabled

2. Download the Software


3. In the IBay, In the html folder

a. Delete What is there: i.e. index.html
b. Unzip Download into a Local Folder
c. From that folder move the Program folder to the newly created IBay
    * Currently that would be the folder pmwiki-2.2.2
d. Rename the folder to pmwiki
e. in the root of the ibays html folder create index.php and in that file put this text
    <?php header( "Location: pmwiki/pmwiki.php\n\n" );
f. Run you Web Browser to:
g. Click Edit .....

This will run the Wiki and you can edit to your heart's content

Follow the Documentation on the Web site to customize the Wiki, set security etc., By default uploads are not enabled


You need to make an adjustment to allow file uploads - you will need shell access for this. From the shell run the following command

db accounts setprop wiki PHPBaseDir /home/e-smith/files/ibays/wiki/:/tmp
signal-event ibay-modify