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The lazy administrator\'s tool to (de)activate pptp access


      PPTP access is by default deactivated on Mitel's SME servers (5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x).
      Once activated in the server-manager pannel, you still need to grant or
      deny VPN access to individual users. With lat-pptp you can enable or
      disable VPN access on a per-user basis.
      In SME 5.6 there is no functional equivalent for lat-pptp in the
      server-manager.  In SME 6.0 you can find this setting under Collabora-
      See /usr/doc/lazy-admin-tools/example.pptp for the format of the input

there is a known bug for the moment, and the pptp is not set to your users, see bugzilla:7695

Smecontribs repository for SME Server

yum install --enablerepo=smecontribs smeserver-lazy_admin_tools smeserver-userpanel smeserver-mailsorting
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot


      lat-pptp -c "user | pptpaccess"
      lat-pptp -a -i /path/to/pptp.list


      The following options are supported:
      -c ""Arguments"", --command-line=""Arguments""
          Take arguments from the command line.  See the 'Arguments' section
          below for the various arguments that are accepted.
      -h, --help
          Extended help for this tool
      -i FILE, --input-file=FILE
          Use the information from FILE to activaet pptp
         users*     : Must be an existing account on the server.
                      Wildcards (* and ?) are accepted.
         pptpaccess : Either 'on' or 'off'. Default is 'off'.
         * mandatory field


lat-pptp -c "harry | on"
      Activates pptp for user 'harry'.
lat-pptp -c "* | off"
      Dectivates pptp for all users on the server.
lat-pptp -i /root/pptp.list
      Sets pptp access for the users as defined in /root/pptp.list.  Refer to
      /usr/doc/lazy-admin-tools/example.users for an example of an input


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the e-smith-lazy_admin_tools component or use this link .