Enable Lanman Passwords

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How to Enable Lanman Passwords

The example comes from a forum post at http://forums.contribs.org/index.php/topic,49238.0.html where a user asks how to enable domain login to SME8 server from Windows 98 workstations, and is based on advice from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1617097

The SME server template fragments were examined & it was determined that the most suitable for the requirement was /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/smb.conf/11lanmanPasswords

Make a custom template folder

cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/smb.conf/11lanmanPasswords /etc/e-smith/custom-templates/etc/smb.conf/

Edit the template fragment with vi, pico or nano

cd /etc/e-smith/custom-templates/etc/smb.conf
nano 11lanmanPasswords

and change the contents to the following code (in this example the perl code shown will allow parameters to be controlled by db commands rather than hard coding the parameters as text into the fragment)

$OUT .= "lanman auth = $smb{'LanManPasswords'}\n" if $smb{'LanManPasswords'};
$OUT .= "client lanman auth = $smb{'ClientLanManPasswords'}\n" if $smb{'ClientLanManPasswords'};
$OUT .= "client plaintext auth = $smb{'ClientPlaintextPasswords'}\n" if $smb{'ClientPlaintextPasswords'};

Save & exit from nano

Ctrl c
Ctrl x

Then check & note current settings

config show smb

Then issue

config setprop smb LanManPasswords yes
config setprop smb ClientLanManPasswords yes
config setprop smb ClientPlaintextPasswords yes

Expand template & restart service (both included in the one signal-event command)

 signal-event workgroup-update

Then review settings

config show smb

Then manually check /etc/samba/smb.conf to see all changes & settings are present eg

cat /etc/samba/smb.conf

Additional steps are required to modify passwords for Windows 98 users, from this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1617097

Re input passwords for every Windows 98 user (where username is the sme user who is logging into any Windows 98 workstation)

smbpasswd -a username

Then every Windows 98 user should log out and then log in again on their Windows 98 workstations (to pick up the changes on the server & allow successful login)