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===SME9: /tmp owned by asterisk:asterisk===
===SME9: /tmp owned by asterisk:asterisk===
When FreePBX is started, one of the processes (fwconsole chown) is setting permissions on all Asterisk files. We want to exclude the /tmp directory being owned by the asterisk user/group and prevent setting tight permissions which actually leads to a 'broken' system, due to the importance of the /tmp directory for many other (non Asterisk) related processes and applications such as Mysql.
update to the latest version of smeserver-freepbx and this will be fixed
The default settings for the /tmp directory is root:root and 4177 that can be applied (or recovered):
chown -R root:root /tmp
chmod 4177 /tmp/*
To exclude the /tmp directory from being altered we need to create the '''/etc/asterisk/freepbx_chown.conf''' additional config file manually (as of Asterisk 13.x) and enter the following content:
directory = /tmp/
Now you can stopt/start the freepbx service and the /tmp directory will still have the proper settings. (see
You could also skip the permission settings on all files when freepbx starts. This will also speed up the starting time of the freepbx service.
directory = /
===SME9: warnings at boot ===
===SME9: warnings at boot ===
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