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1,048 bytes added ,  22:48, 14 October 2015
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  192.168.XX.205:/mirror/mirror/smeserver-repo  /home/build/smeserver/ nfs rw  0 0
  192.168.XX.205:/mirror/mirror/smeserver-repo  /home/build/smeserver/ nfs rw  0 0
* Timeout
Nfs can have a really long timeout, if you want to avoid it you can do
mount -t nfs -o nolock,timeo=30,retrans=1,retry=0 /mnt/partage
timeo : The -o timeo option allows designation of the length of time, in tenths of seconds, that the client will wait until it decides it will not get a reply from the server, and must try to send the request again. The default value is 7 tenths of a second
retrans : The -o retrans option allows designation of the number of timeouts allowed before the client gives up, and displays the Server not responding message. The default value is 3 attempts.
retry : The number of minutes that the mount command retries an NFS mount operation in the foreground or background before giving up. If a value of zero is specified, the mount command exits immediately after the first failure.  If this option is not specified, the default value for foreground mounts is 2 minutes, and the default value for background mounts is 10000 minutes (80 minutes shy of one week).

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